Keep Yarra Valley free of fruit fly


Tourists can help preserve the Yarra Valley’s clean green production environment when they visit.

The Yarra Valley is a great place to be a part of the farming life and see how food is produced.

There are activities and experiences for individuals, couples, families and groups to enjoy.

Many of the experiences are on working farms (places of production) or in areas closely linked to the farms.

We can taste wine, eat fruit, interact with animals and enjoy walking and riding on trails in the fresh air. We don’t normally think about our own impact on the farms when we visit.

Taking the time to learn about biosecurity and taking extra care of our actions can help these places of production to keep pest or disease free. Prevention is better than cure.

Do you take a picnic with you to the Yarra Valley?

What impact will the food you are carrying and eating on the day have on the Yarra Valley’s places of production?

How can you help?

The Yarra Valley is keeping free of Queensland Fruit Fly.

Here are some tips on how you can make a conscious effort to reduce your impact on the growing of fresh fruit and vegetables in the Yarra Valley.

· Keep infested fruit out of the region.

If you are coming to the Yarra Valley with fruit, check it to ensure that it is pest and disease free. Cooked fruit is the safest way to prevent pest and disease movement from place to place.

· Dispose of all fruit and vegetable waste properly. Put it into regularly maintained rubbish bins.

Throwing your uneaten fruit or vegetable onto the ground in the Yarra Valley can result in two biosecurity risks;

One risk is the pest or disease possibly on that fruit or vegetable could spread into the production area. If you suspect the fruit or vegetable is infested, seal it in a bag or container and dispose of it responsibly. If it has suspect maggots or larvae in it, please report it to the Queensland Fruit Fly Prevention Program (with photos) via email to or report it to a fruit tourism operator near you.

The other risk is that ‘your food rubbish’ could grow into a plant that might one day be affected by pest or diseases. Feral trees and plants are not able to be well managed. They can be the cause of pests and diseases spreading. The Yarra Valley is committed to reducing feral trees in production areas. Please don’t add new feral fruit trees!

· Respect Biosecurity signs and keep inside the designated tourist areas. Leave the production areas free of risk. Keep to paths and roads. Don’t enter production areas with out authorisation. Remember that the soil, plants and land are someone else’s livelihood.

Your awesome Yarra Valley experiences will continue if we all preserve this wonderful place of production. Together, we can keep the Yarra Valley free of Queensland Fruit Fly. To learn more about Queensland Fruit Fly prevention in the Yarra Valley, look up Facebook “Keep Yarra Valley Fruit Fly Free” or the internet