Belgrave distillers take out gin award

GinFinity's Ben and Cal with their International award winning gin. Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS.

By Parker McKenzie

Belgrave-based distillery GinFinity has won the Best Australian Signature Botanical at the World Gin Awards 2022.

GinFinity, which opened its doors to the public in March 2021, is co-owned by brothers Ben and Cal Pratt with their cousin Andrew.

Ben Pratt said it was “tremendously exciting” to win the award for their bubblegum gin.

“It was so exciting and took us all by surprise. We’re just absolutely rapt,” he said.

“This particular gin we’re talking about – the bubblegum gin – is a newer product, we developed it about six months ago.”

The two brothers and their cousin have been distilling liquors for 16 years and dabbled in brewing beer too.

Mr Pratt said the idea for the gin started when they tried the flavouring technique in rum.

“We’re very interested in fermentation side of things, so we are always playing around with different sorts of wild fermentation and different inoculations trying to produce different esters,” he said.

“We thought that we could probably combine a couple and produce the same ester that makes bubblegum flavour,

“We were successful in producing that and then we thought it would be amazing to put that in into botanical gin.”

An ester is a molecule of alcohol which binds with an acid during the distilling process to create flavors and aromas.

Mr Pratt said it’s been a long road, but they couldn’t have asked for a better start to 2022 after the last few years.

“The whole industry will know it’s been a tough one,” he said.

“Whether it’s being able to open or having to be closed and serving takeaway, and then staff staffing issues, it’s been a bit of a rollercoaster.”